


Trademark Lawyers in Colombia

Trademark registration in Colombia, along with the management of patents and copyrights, is a fundamental service for any company or business. It constitutes a cornerstone of Cárdenas Vega Advisors' expertise. By choosing our services, you entrust your most valuable assets to capable hands.

How to Register a Trademark in Colombia?

Our firm has experienced professionals who will assist you during all stages of the process of trademark registration through personalized and first class service.

To start the registration process, we suggest considering two important steps:

Step 1. Trademark search: Before proceeding with the registration process, we advise to conduct a trademark search history in order to determine whether there are potential obstacles to the registration of the brand of interest. (Click here to request a trademark search with a written legal opinion) From the results obtained, within a period not exceeding 24 hours, Cárdenas Vega Advisors will send a full analysis to establish the chances of obtaining your brand and the various measures that can be taken before starting the registration stage.

Step 2. Trademark registration: By hiring our services, during all stages of trademark registration, our firm will provide personalized service through regular reports of the status of your process until we send the digital registration certificate attesting you as holder of the trademark of interest.

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Most Read Articles

  1. Trademark Search in Colombia.
  2. How Much does it Cost to Register a Trademark in Colombia?
  3. Requirements to Register a Trademark in Colombia.
  4. How to Overcome a Provisional Refusal for a Trademark Application filed Through the Madrid Protocol in Colombia?
  5. Expert Trademark Attorneys in Colombia.


Recommended Sites

  1. Online Trademark Registration in Colombia: Register your trademark in Colombia online in 10 minutes. Expert lawyers. Online payment. From anywhere in the world.
  2. Trademark Registration in Colombia: Specialized advice on the steps, requirements and procedure to register a trademark in Colombia.
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Online Trademark Registration in Colombia